Monday 30 July 2012

Tiny Baby Dolls

Hi friends ! Hope all of you have a great day ahead.
Look what my sis bought for me yesterday...

Tiny Little Babies Doll 4.5 inches tall cute
Aren't they cute. I do have to say that I have a soft spot for cute baby dolls. My daughter is already suggesting that I crochet more clothes for these tiny bundle of joy.

Cutest Little Doll 4.5 inches tall
Look at those cute chubby faces. And their eyes is so real. It would be even better if they could blink.
Little Baby Dolls Bath Time Tub cutest ever
Rub-a-dub-dub- ~ 3-babies-in-a-tub-
cutest little baby dolls 4.5 inches tall doll

Cute Baby Doll Bath Time Picture
Don't peek ~
Hehehe... enjoy ! Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi Lean, Did your sister buy the tiny baby dolls new from a store? How big are they? When my sister & I were little girls we had those bassinet purses made from a dish soap bottle & the top part was crocheted. I want to make at least 3 of these for some little girls for Christmas. I am having a terrible time finding little 3" baby dolls for them! I have looked in craft stores all over the internet. I also checked the stores in town. I don't want vintage ones due to the high prices. I just want some cute babies. Can you help? Thanks a million, Laurie

    1. Did you ever find the 3 inch dolls? I want some too to make some Santas

  2. Hi Laurie, My sis bought these dolls in our local supermarket. They were on clearance sale. They were quite cheap too as their clothes has a bit of stain on it. Anyway, that was months ago. I'm not sure they still have it. These dolls are 5" tall. Where are u from?
